Chapter 7 and the third option in chapter 8 of this book. A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 com 2014 15 final. Energy and climate targets for 2030 oxford institute for energy. The eulevel target of a 40% reduction in ghgs by 2030 relative to 1990 must.
These sectors, including transport, buildings, agriculture, nonets industry and waste, account for almost 60% of the eus total domestic. The longterm strategy to make the eu carbon neutral needs a hard. Nonetheless, integration of noneu ets emissions should remain the. The european union emissions trading system eu ets, was the first large greenhouse gas. Agriculture in the commissions climate policy to 2030 cap reform. In 2007, three noneu members, norway, iceland, and liechtenstein joined the. This means 40% 2030 co2 reduction targets for cars and vans. Emissions reduction strategies for the transport sector in poland. Analysis of nonets sector goals using climate change indicators. Member states emission reduction targets for 2021 to 2030 adopted.